суббота, 15 февраля 2020 г.


Sorry - the "mess" was not related to your questions, but to my code Similar export units are e. After some more thinking about the row height issue: Unless we know for sure that column widths and row heights are the same in OO and Excel we cannot expect images to be equal. In addition they also want the coordinates of the opposite corner relative to that cell containing it. Instead, I added a paragraph to the wiki describing what to do if exact image locations are important http:

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Search everywhere only in this topic. Free forum by Nabble. Here again, there are discrepancies: Formatting of cells in VirtualMode.

I knew why I did not want to touch this initially Both applications position images differently that's at least why I found out: Instead, I added a paragraph to the wiki describing what to do if exact image locations are important http: I'd expect some issues again on large screens having a high pixel-per-inch density. Overflow cells in TsWorksheetGrid: Alexey's sample project above is a good test.

Including Images - FPSpreadsheet

Here is a list of the main additions of the new release: This definition was introduced into fpspreadsheet. I am pretty sure that this argument fpspreadsjeet correct because f;spreadsheet I adapt column widths and row heights such that the image does not extend into a neighbor cell, the image is displayed correctly also in Excel.

Fpspreadshdet am glad to announce that a new version of fpspreadsheet, version 1. If you need fpspreadsheet in gui applications you may also want to have a look at the tutorial. In addition they also want the coordinates of the opposite corner relative to that cell containing it. It's not only the units, I also don't know how the Office applications calculate row heights in general: Search everywhere only in this topic Advanced Search [Lazarus] fpspreadsheet 1. Wow, big thanks for a nice release!

[Lazarus] fpspreadsheet 1.4 released

Nevertheless I implemented size units for the workbook now. Implementation of sorting of a worksheet.

So, I think what will be next is a unit system for column widths and row heights. Unless we know for sure that column widths and row heights are the same in OO and Excel we cannot expect images to be equal. Because of the poor documentation, both methods do not match. Later, Excel switched to more conventional units, such as centimeters or points.

Free Pascal - Lazarus - [Lazarus] fpspreadsheet released

Free Pascal - Lazarus. Full support for string formulas reading, writing, calculating. Your questions are not "stupid" at all, I thank you for pointing me to these bugs. Sorry - the "mess" was not related to your questions, but to my code Will test new features when time allows Surprisingly, now the Excel images are no longer distorted!

Thank you very much for your help. Registration mechanism which allows to extend the built-in formulas by user-defined ones. I would appreciate if somebody could test whether images extending across several rows and inserted into an Excel file by fps are distored on a high-ppi monitor or not.

I introduced column widths and row heights when I was working with the old xls format which specifies column widths as "character count" and row heights as "line count" - plus some ill-defined margins. I still will no longer ask stupid questions: This in turn depends on the column widths and row heights.

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