понедельник, 10 февраля 2020 г.


See V7 mediarouter library for more information. Deprecated classes and methods are subject to removal in a future release. Setup Make sure your top-level build. Issue Reduced the lockdown period in which RecyclerView does not allow adapter changes while calculating a layout or scroll. Changes for Design Support Library: android support library 22.2.1

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Fix ported from Android Framework. In some cases, you may need to wrap a framework method call with an explicit SDK version check and provide alternative code to handle methods not available on a device. Fixed an issue in AppCompatSpinner that could cause multiple popups to appear.

This library is now a dependency of the v7 AppCompat libraryallowing developers and AppCompat to easily use vector drawables. Provided an easy transition plan for this backward-incompatible API change: These deprecated APIs will be removed in a future version and developers should migrate away from them.

However, to reduce APK size, we recommend that you just list the specific modules your app needs. The v7 mediarouter library APIs provide a means of controlling the skpport of media channels and streams from the current device to external screens, speakers, and other destination devices, with compatibility back to Android 2.

Maven Repository: t » appcompat-v7 »

Fragment transactions can now be optimized within and across transactions. Adding the AppCompat or support design library implicitly adds it:.

Details activity transition Revision A media button receiver is a key part to handling playback controls from hardware or bluetooth controls.

You should also consider migrating existing projects to AndroidX as well. FloatingActionButton can no longer be anchored to indirect children of CoordinatorLayout. TalkBack frequently says the word "null" in split-screen views.

Support Library Revision Archive

BrowseFragment crashes with headers disabled and empty adapter. The SnapHelper class provides an implementation specifically for snapping child views, and the LinearSnapHelper class extends this implementation to provide center-aligned snapping behavior similar to ViewPager.

android support library 22.2.1

Fixed a bug where a hidden bottom sheet would handle touch events. Issue Fixed a bug in ViewPager related to scroll calculation for suppoet changes. Vector Drawables to reduce the need to include images for every density size.

For this reason, when working with any recent release of the support library, you should not assume that the the v package notation indicates a minimum API support level.

Sorts the routes according to frequency of use in the current app. The old name is still supported but will be removed in a future release.

Design Support Library | CodePath Android Cliffnotes

Changes for v7 recyclerview library: Doing so allows RecyclerView to create all relevant views early, while the outer RecyclerView is scrolling, which significantly reduces the amount of stuttering during scrolls. Its API surface is subject to androiid, and it does not necessarily include features or bug fixes from the latest stable versions of Support Library.

RecyclerView RecyclerView item prefetching improvements: This version includes the following important changes: Space has been removed. Changes for Design support library: LayoutManager objects enable auto-measure by default.

Backward compatibility classes for earlier versions of the platform is just one of them. ExifInterface The boolean method getLatLong float[] is deprecated.

LayoutManager to easily wrap content or handle various measurement specifications provided by the parent of the RecyclerView. See V7 mediarouter library for more information.

android support library 22.2.1

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